by | May 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
I recently went on a get away to a fantastic medical facility called Sanoviv.
I didn’t go there because I was unwell, although they do help all kinds of people in need.
It is simply one of the most relaxing and stress free places on earth.
The first thing you notice upon arrival is that you can almost feel the healing begin the moment you come through the doors. The energy is so uplifting and powerful. It is a 5 star resort yet at the same time it is a hospital.
Nestled just south of San Diego near Rosarito, Mexico it is an opportunity to get back in touch with who you are.
This was not my first visit. I have been there 4 times now. Three years ago I was there to detox and regenerate after my hip replacement surgery. It was amazing. They did a full medical program and the same time they worked to detox my body from the anesthetic and stress of surgery. They had many protocols for detoxing. From massage therapies, to ultra violet saunas, to the Thalasso pools it was amazing. Many of the other protocols involved light therapy, sound therapy, and much much more.
All the meals are organic. The vegetables are grown onsite with all the cooking methods designed to help with digestion and detox.
Your morning begins with the tower bells ringing at 6:15 am. You get your vitals done at 6:30 am and then off to get some organic lemon and tepid water and a touch of cayenne pepper. this is to help with the detox process. At 6:50 am you have a shot of organic wheat grass which has tremendous benefits in detoxing the body. At 7:00 am you join a meditation class to help the process of connecting with body. In the fast paced world we seldom are in touch with our body and how it is doing. 8:30 am it is breakfast. A nourishing balanced start to the day. At 9:00 am we follow the agenda set out by the coordinators. it is a busy day full of events just for me!
From massages, to doctor consults, to colonics, to some time in the gym it is all about me! When there is free time a nice walk on the grass or pathway to watch the whales and dolphins fills in nicely.
Lunch! another fantastic organic meal!
If you have a medical program you may have blood work, ultrsounds, xrays, and so on. Although it doesn’t look like a hospital it functions like one. The afternoon is another full schedule. Dinner is at 6:00 pm. All the meals you socialize with the other guests and become fast friends. At 7:00 pm there may be an educational class or a funny movie in the auditorium. By 9:00 PM you are ready for sleep…leaving the doors open to the ocean to hear the waves as they crash onto the shore.
Have you ever wished that you could have zipper and look inside and find out everything about you and your body? Well this is the place. Each morning the medical team along with the dentists, nutritionist, physiologists, chiropractors, spa and fitness personal all meet to discuss the patients and their needs. By meeting together they can work completely on you! I have never seen a doctor and dentist meet to discuss my personal health together…ever. The results from consulting with each on your individual case is amazing.
If you are in need of a detox or have some medical needs that need addressing, Sanoviv could be the place because it is one of the most advanced health facilities in the world.
If you want to learn more private message me on facebook or email me at
Yours in Health
John – One Hip Guy
by | Apr 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
It has become increasingly clear that sugar is creating a terrible burden on our health.
First let me say that sugar shouldn’t necessarily be the bad guy but it has become this way. There is a simple saying…everything in moderation…however this is not the case with sugar anymore. The suggested amount of sugar we should consume on a daily basis is 6-9 teaspoons a day. Four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon of sugar. So when looking at the packages of food we eat if it is says 12 grams per serving then that would equal 3 teaspoons of sugar.
Glucose is necessary for the body to function properly. Simple table sugar will convert to glucose in the body as well as all the sugars that have some different names like:
- dextran
- dextrose
- diatase
- diastatic malt
- ethyl maltol
- fructose
- maltodextrin
- maltose
- mannitol
- high-fructose corn syrup
- malt syrup
There many many more different names of sugar. As consumers it is getting harder and harder to distinguish what is sugar on the label.
Obesity is on the rise year after year and the major culprit is sugar. Many people are getting 3 to 4 times the necessary sugar everyday! In fact one can of a 12 oz Coca Cola has 39 grams of sugar or almost 10 teaspoons of sugar! Things really do go down better with coke because its so sweet you can’t help but drink it! The sad fact is addiction begins to develop and people will start to crave it.
One out of every three people in the US are classified obese. Two out of every three people in the US is classified overweight. In Canada we are catching up to those numbers. The big culprit is SUGAR! Cut the sugar and you will lose weight.
For people who have joint replacements we should be paying close attention. To have our new parts work effectively and long term we should striving to get to our ideal weight!
Sugar is as addictive as alcohol or cocaine.
So what can we do to fix this problem? First we must become vigilant at reading labels in the grocery store. Did you know that the lobbyists prevented putting the daily recommended percentages next to sugar on the label? This has been done to deceive the consumer because if they knew how much of the daily recommended sugar was in a serving they might not buy it. We need to be the stewards of our own health and that of our family.
Here is a quick video called “Sugar is Killing us”
There are few alternatives to using sugar that are actually good for you. One that I have found that is beneficial to your health is Stevia.
Stevia is perhaps the only sweetener that is not just “not harmful,” but has actual health benefits. It has no calories, is 100% natural, and if you choose the the right one then it also tastes like a million bucks. That seems like a better option for the consumer. If you are looking to start your day with a shake full of protein and good low glycemic carbs make sure that that they use Stevia instead of fructose of high fructose corn syrup or many of the other oddly named sugars. Buy Stevia to replace your table sugar in the house. The health of you and your family will thank-you for it.
Yours in Health,
John -One Hip Guy
by | Apr 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering.
Where did GMO’s come from and why?
In 1935 DNA was isolated for the first time. In the 1970’s the idea for man made DNA started to take shape. The first GMO patent on a living organism was approved in 1980. This enabled oils spills to be gobbled up by a bacterium. In 1994 the first genetically modified produce came to market. It was called The Flavr Savr Tomato. It had a much longer shelf life than standard tomatoes. Within 5 years a 100 million acres of crops were planted with GMO seeds. In the early 2000’s pests were developing resistance to GMO crops. In 2012 a farmer wins lawsuit against Monsanto. In 2016 Monsanto patent runs out so they have developed a new seed in 2009 to replace it. . See timeline:
Why were GMO’s created in the first place?
The main reasons were for genetic manipulation of species used in aquaculture are all directly connected to improved output/input ratios.
They are:
a) to enhance growth and/or efficiency of food conversion,
b) to enhance commercially significant flesh characteristics,
c) to control reproductive activity and/or sexual phenotype,
d) to increase resistance of species to pathogens/parasites,
e) to increase tolerance to/of environmental variables such as temperature,
f) to modify behaviour, e.g. aggression, and
g) to control fertility and/or viability.
Here is a website that is pro GMO. You can learn about the benefits of GMO and why it is not considered a health risk.
Here is a web site that discusses the myths and truths of GMO’s. You can learn about the dangers of GMO’s and why they consider it a health risk.
So here we are…in a world that is bombarded with genetically modified organisms in so much of the food grown today. As consumers we are mostly unaware of what is or isn’t a GMO food.
I have done my research and believe that we need to avoid GMO’s whenever possible.
There will be two sides to this discussion. First there may be people who believe that GMO’s are necessary and good for us. The other is that there may be people who believe that GMO’s are bad for us. It is a controversial subject to say the least. It has been only 20 years since many of the crops have been grown with GMO seeds. In that time there has been a rise in many diseases. These studies were comparing particular diseases from the 1970’s to 2014. In almost all cases there was a significant rise in the incident of disease. If you are a pro GMO person there may be concern of bias, however anytime there is a report one way or the other there is always a case for this.
The real question for us as consumers is why can’t the food industry label their products that have GMO’s?
That is all that I would ask for. It is simple. It will allow consumers to make their buying decisions based on the information on the label. Anyone who wants Non GMO food would be able to make their purchases armed with knowledge.
The food industry does not want to label their products because they know the consumer will make better choices if they are better informed. Therefore the Non GMO associations have pooled together to create their own labeling process.
You can go to the APP store on your smart phone and upload the app below.
Non-GMO Project Shopping Guide
This APP will enable you to shop for products that are Non GMO. It will also give you a bar code scanner to help verify if what you are buying is on the list. This database is getting larger everyday. The food industry is starting to take note that informed consumers will stop buying products that are not good for them. The power of the consumer will force these producers to make tough decisions or they may be out of business.
So the choice is yours…do your homework. Decide what is right for you. Regardless of your decision the need for better labeling on our food products is paramount! Its only fair!
Yours in Health
John – One Hip Guy
by | Mar 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
What is Leaky Gut and why should you care?
Leaky Gut Syndrome happens when the intestinal lining becomes porous and allows food particles to enter the blood stream. The microvila are becoming damaged and not producing enough enzymes to break food down properly.The intestinal walls are becoming more and more porous therefore allowing more and more opportunity for food particles to escape into our body. This condition is called Hyperpermeable Intestines and it is becoming one of the fastest problems in the western world because of diet and lifestyle. Waste that normally would go through and out our body is now slipping through into our body like undigested food particles and toxins.
When these foreign objects enter our blood stream the reaction is to attack these intruders. Our liver when functioning at a normal rate would be able to help remove these toxins and foreign objects, however it is being bombarded with so many that it can’t keep up! These foreign objects end up staying and building up in our blood system. Our immune system also attacks these foreign objects to get them out as quickly as possible, however it cannot keep up and the result is that the body becomes inflamed when the foreign objects are eventually absorb by our tissues.
Inflammation is now the big problem within our body. Antibodies attempt to ward off any resemblance of these foreign objects so for example: You eat bread, buns, pasta, etc. Some of the wheat leaks into your blood system, the more you eat wheat the more leaks in and as time goes by the antibodies start to fight every time it knows there is wheat eaten. This is how we develop food sensitivities and allergic reactions. Your vital organs start to become inflamed. Your immune system is being overworked and you can in fact gain weight. Inflammation is the one of biggest problems in our health today!
This is a significant problem in our western world! It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people have leaky gut and that number has even thought to be 9 out of 10 people! It often goes undiagnosed by the medical community because they have not be educated on it when going to school.
How can you tell that you have Leaky Gut Syndrome?
The symptoms can be abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, muscle cramps and pains, food allergies, migraines, fatigue, gluten intolerance, foggy brain feeling, bouts of depression and much much more.
From a medical perspective illnesses such as Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel, Ulcerative Colitis, Eczema all have connections to leaky gut.
When you look at what the digestive system is designed to do it makes sense that this is happening. Most of our immune system is located in the digestive system. Over 70% in fact!
So what can you do to heal Leaky Gut Syndrome?
There are some simple yet effective ways to help heal your digestive system.
One that I have used in bone broth. Bone broth contains collagen and amino acids that can help to heal the damage on your intestinal walls. Some people have done a bone broth fast for 2 or 3 days to kick start the healing process. I have not done this so cannot comment. Another is Kefir. This is raw cultured dairy and it contains probiotics and short chained fatty acids that are immensely beneficial to the digestive tract. It might take getting used to but the benefits are immense. All coconut is fabulous for healing the digestive system! They have medium chain fatty acids which is easier to digest than other fats. Cooked vegetables and fruit are also beneficial as it is easier on the gut to digest than raw. Sauerkraut will help to balance the PH and is also loaded with probiotics!
You may also want to supplement because Leaky Gut Syndrome impairs the absorption of nutrients so increasing the essential nutrients through supplementation is vital.
Take an enzyme supplement to help promote better digestion and as well a probiotic supplement. The supplements I use are from USANA Health Sciences because they are 100% potency guarantee Should you wish to purchase any of those products just click on the country you are from to shop and away you go. Always feel free to contact me as well.
One that is crucial is omega 3. A high quality fish oil that has been certified of the purest standard will be very beneficial. The fish oil I use is
Eat grass fed beef, wild Salmon, and lamb as they are loaded with essential fats.
Don’t suffer in silence anymore from this painful problem! Take control of your health. Heal your gut…its important!
Yours in Health
John – One Hip Guy
by | Mar 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
What is EMF and what does EMF stand for?
EMF stands for Electromagnetic fields, which are often called EMFs. They are invisible electrical and magnetic forces. EMFs are a type of radiation, that take the form of waves.
There are two major types of EMF’S
The earth produces an electromagnetic field (EMF), and so does the human body. Scientific research has demonstrated that every cell in your body may have its own EMF, helping to regulate important functions and keep us healthy. This type of EMF is called a natural electromagnetic frequency. Natural EMF’s are a low intensity frequency.
Products created by people like microwaves, hairdryers, cell phones, wifi, food processors, to high voltage wires have powerful EMF’s. These strong EMFs have been shown to disturb the human body’s natural energetic field.
It has been shown that we are exposed to 100 million times more EMF radiation than our grandparents were and this number is increasing everyday!
The sad part is that we are not even aware of it. Keep in mind that artificial EMF’s come from electricity. For example in your home it comes from your computer, cell phone, cordless phones, vacuums, refrigerator, microwave, irons, TV, dimmer switches, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, and one of the biggest offenders….WIFI! You will find EMF’s in your office too. From fax machines, to photocopiers to halogen and florescence lights there is no escaping it. Go outside and see where the big power lines are like high voltage cables, overhead and buried, transformers or even electrical substations. Now even when we are flying we are exposed one more time with wifi throughout the plane.
Fatigue, Stress and sleep disorders are now being associated to EMF exposure. Often there are people who have developed skin disorders like rashes, and burning sensations on our body as well in our eyes along with aches and pains in our muscle and joints.
We cannot escape it!
Does it matter?
More and more science is confirming the long term dangers to the exposure of artificial EMF’s. There is still lots of naysayers out there as well. This is normal. Name something that someone thinks is good and you will have a group that says the opposite. This is where you come in. You can do your own homework and decide for yourself if there is a concern with the exposure you may be getting. One thing is for sure its increasing and not decreasing.
If you believe that it is important to work on limiting the EMF exposure then you may want to purchase a gauss meter.
This device will measure magnetic, electric and radio/microwave currents. 
Use the gauss meter to test your appliances in the home like your coffee maker, toaster, tea kettle, and so on. Test them when they are idle and then test them when they are being used. Surprisingly you will find that there are EMF’s being emitted by some appliances even when they are idle. Unplug those appliances when you are not using them.
The use of cell phones is growing more and more. Wireless devices are being used in an ever increasing way. They are convenient, they make our life better, just be prudent on how much exposure you get everyday. Here is an article that discusses the possibility of risk associated with cell phone RF exposure over the long haul.
Children are the highest risk. They are in their developing years and any added stress like EMF exposure and over use of wireless devices may prove to be extremely harmful.
The best we can all do is educate ourselves and with the advent of more and more technology learning about EMF’s makes sense.
Yours in Health,
John – One Hip Guy
by | Feb 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
For anyone who had experienced a joint replacement one of best things you can do is to get moving. Once you have been given the green light to function at a normal everyday level then incorporating daily walking activities is crucial.
For anyone who has never experienced any joint issues this applies to you so in essence this message applies to everyone.
We live in world today where we can count calories, count sleep patterns and just about anything. Perhaps some of it goes too far, however I believe the ability to count how many steps you take on a daily basis is a good measurement or guide to follow. Standard convention suggests that the average person should strive to get around 10,000 steps a day.
When I go to the gym I walk on the running track and also use the elliptical or treadmill. After a workout I have almost 5,000 steps already in. During the nicer days of winter I will go for a walk or get out by biking, golfing, etc. You can easily get to that magic number of 10,000 steps.
Part of what makes a goal of 10,000 steps a day so important is that it gets you up and out of your chair. Sitting for too long has been found to increase your risk of death from virtually all health problems, from Type II Diabetes and heart disease to cancer and all-cause mortality. In fact, chronic sitting has a mortality rate similar to smoking. The simplest way to avoid these negative health effects is to strive to sit less – ideally for less than three hours a day. A standing desk can help with this, as can frequent walking.
According to Katy Bowman, a scientist and author of the book: Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement:
“Walking is a superfood. It’s the defining movement of a human.”
Walking is an essential movement that needs to be done everyday. For someone that is not fit this will be considered exercise for them, however once someone is fit they will need to have other activities that will help them stay that way. Weight bearing exercise, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) , Yoga, Pilates, running, hiking, etc.
This winter I have gone hiking with my wife Susanne and it has been fun to get out and get some great exercise in. We have hiked in some of the areas near Phoenix. Places like Piestewa Peak, North Mountain, South Mountain, and Camelback to name a few. No matter where you live there are some hiking trails nearby. Nearby where I live in Canada we have a nature trail. There are all sorts of wildlife one can see along the way which makes the hike/walk even more fun.
Challenge yourself! What I found is that I can do just about anything since my surgery 3 1/2 years ago. You can too!
Go for walks around the neighborhood and meet your neighbors! Walk to the grocery store if its close by, walk to church, walk to the mailbox, take you dog for a long walk instead of a short one. The dog park is great for the dog but a walk is better for both of you! Park your car further from the front door at the mall. It all counts.
The benefits to your health are immeasurable!
It can reduce incidence of Type II Diabetes, it can improve mood, it can lower you heart rate.
The human body is made to move. The average person sits 8-10 hours a day! Those tight hamstrings and quads are from sitting all day. That lower back problem is because you hamstrings and quads are tight. It becomes a cascade of problems.
So the message is clear…get out and get moving. If you can take those shoes off and walk in the grass or on the beach! You will absorb free electrons from the earth known as grounding. These electrons have powerful antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation.
Don’t get too caught up on whether you hit that 10,000 step mark. Remember it is a guide or target that is good for you. It is good for joints and really good for those of us who have experienced joint replacement!
Yours in health,
John – One Hip Guy