by | Apr 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
I have written in the past about the need to eat right and to consume fruits and vegetables. There is so much information out there that we as consumers are more confused than ever. One of big questions is “Organic” or “Conventional”? I’ve heard this debated for years.
What I have discovered is that organic is critical in some specific fruits and vegetables and in others it does not have as much of an impact.
If this is an important issue for you then taking the time to research the fruits and vegetables you eat often and how they are affected by pesticides would be a good thing to do.
I definitely have my opinions. I came across this today and think it gives some great, practical advise based on detectable pesticide residues and from a source I consider to be relatively reliable.
Take the time to watch this video and use the cheat sheet it talks about to guide you through the maze of misinformation that is out there.
Yours in health,
Your OneHipGuy
by | Mar 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
I was at Joshua National Park yesterday and as we walked around the Joshua trees I started to hum the music from a classic movie with Clint Eastwood called The Good The bad The Ugly. If you have never seen it you should. In my mind a classic!
It also made me think about what happens when we consider going on a vacation. For some they jump at the chance for others they are unable due to health issues.
The excitement of planning the trip, the thrill of getting to destination and having that first day wherever it might be is what I would call the GOOD part of the getaway! Packing the suitcase with far too many things because we might need them may be a little tedious yet it comes with excitement of whats to be!
For me on this trip I was going from the cold to the hot with promises of golfing, swimming, dinners out with family and sight seeing.
Reconnecting with family can be the best part of a vacation. I believe that we have friends for reasons and seasons but that family should be there for our lifetime. We are all uniquely different with a common thread. I respect and admire that about my family and honor the opportunity to share time with them. This the really GOOD part of a vacation!
I have found since my hip replacement that my connection to family is stronger than ever. Being acutely aware of the fragility of the human body, l have a stronger sense of time and how little we have.
In every vacation there are some not so good or BAD situations. Delays at the airport, credit card issues, line ups, and more line ups are part of the process. Some might even say that family are part of the BAD…I will say right here that no matter what it can be the GOOD. I accept my family for their unique selves as they do me. Park the ego’s at the door and be in the moment. You don’t have to take them home with you!!
It is seldom a smooth road when travelling.
If flying there can weather delays, mechanical issues and although frustrating remember to be part of the problem. Things happen and that is the story of life. Roll with them and you will feel better no matter how frustrating.
I like to remind myself that for every BAD situation there are others having a worse one! We can be the giant or the midget all by how we view and react to situations. Be a giant!
Eating can be challenge when on a vacation. The tendency is to eat rich and maybe have a few alcoholic beverages. The old adage everything in moderation should be followed.
Our bodies are our best indicators. I was feeling a little sluggish and acidy so I started to drink more water which I neglected and then got back to my normal routine of a healthy protein shake to start the day and my daily vitamins. Getting out of routine can cause me to miss taking my vitamins, however once I get back on track I start to feel better.
The third part of my topic is The UGLY.
What could I possibly have to say that would be fitting in this topic?
I believe the ugly part is not being able to take a vacation because of our health.
Statistically the North American population is doing it to ourselves. From heart disease, cancer, type II diabetes, stroke and so on, most of these are diseases of poor lifestyle choices. The burden on the health care system is becoming more and more taxing as the baby boomers become older and older.
There are challenges in hospital space and timely care.
The aging population, our parents are being put in care facilities in hopes that they will be cared for properly. Although these facilities do their best there is more pressure on them as the demand increases.
If you can afford to take a vacation and health is good then what are you waiting for? There is so much to see and do. It is a blast to see different parts of North America and meet interesting people. Time is tickin
It is a GOOD thing to do!
In health,
Your OneHipGuy
by | Aug 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
Lets get down to brass tax…did you get all the nutrition your body needs today? Yesterday? The day before? Are you sure?
The fact is that it is almost impossible to fulfill the needs of body at the cellular level. Try as we might we are mostly unable to meet the needs day in and day out.
More and more informed adults are taking nutritional supplements to augment their lifestyle. In a report produced by the Council for Responsible Nutrition in 2011 the evidence is quite clear that taking supplements is now a mainstream part of a healthy diet.
Whether you are a seemingly health adult or you have encountered health challenges it seems prudent to take a nutritional supplement. As someone who has had a hip replacement I am acutely aware of the need to keep my immune system strong. A weak immune system could be a serious problem for someone who has a hip replacement from clotting to infection.
Eating a healthy diet is still the best starting point and taking a supplement can fill in the missing pieces that we may not even be aware of that isn’t there.
Lets talk about just a couple of supplements and the benefits:
Supplemental magnesium improves physical performance in healthy older women
Magnesium (Mg) is an essential mineral important in the structure and the function of the human body and also as a cofactor for hundreds of enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body. Unfortunately, dietary surveys in the US continue to show that older people are particularly susceptible to magnesium deficiency for various reasons, including an inadequate dietary intake, reduced absorption, and greater losses in stools and urine. A poor magnesium status has been associated with reduced physical performance, but to date no trials have established a link between magnesium supplementation and physical performance in the elderly.
In a new study published in the American Journal ofClinical Nutrition, investigators sought to determine whether oral magnesium supplementation could improve physical performance in healthy older women. The research group included 139 healthy women with an average age of 71.5 years that were attending a mild fitness program. The study group included 77 controls and 62 women who were given 300 mg/day of magnesium oxide for 12 weeks. The researchers were blinded to the grouping.
The primary outcome analyzed was a change in the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). The scores for the SPPB did not differ between the two groups at baseline. After 12 weeks of supplementation, the group taking magnesium had a significantly better total SPPB score than the controls. The treatment group also had a significantly better test score for chair stand times and 4 minute walking speeds. The improvements were even more evident in women with dietary magnesium intakes below the RDA.
The findings of this study indicate that magnesium supplementation may play a role in delaying age-related decline in physical performance in healthy older women, especially if dietary intake is below recommended levels.
Nicola Veronese et al. Effect of oral magnesium supplementation on physical performance in healthyelderly women involved in a weekly exercise program: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr published ahead of print July 9, 2014 doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.080168
Another Vitamin and it’s benefits:
Vitamin C reduces the frequency and severity of colds and improves physical activity in men with suboptimal vitamin C status
Although severe vitamin C deficiency resulting in scurvy is a rare occurrence in modern society, as many as 22% of U.S. adults are believed to have inadequate vitamin C status, with as many as 6% classified as vitamin C deficient. Insufficiencies are often undiagnosed because early symptoms of poor vitamin C status are not obvious and may include fatigue, malaise, depression and irritability. Inadequate vitamin C levels have also been associated with increased duration and severity of colds during the peak of cold season.
In a new study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers examined the impact of vitamin C status on physical activity and upper respiratory tract infections during the winter months.
The participants in this double-blind randomized trial included healthy, nonsmoking college men, with a marginal plasma vitamin C level, who were not training for or competing in sports. The men were randomized into one of two groups that received either 1000 mg of vitamin C/day or a placebo. Participants were given a booklet at the beginning of the study that contained the Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey-21, the Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire, and a short food frequency measure. Over the course of the eight week study, the men completed the symptom survey daily, and the exercise and food frequency measures weekly.
During weeks 6-8 of the study, the physical activity score for the vitamin C supplemented group rose moderately compared to the placebo group. The number of cold episodes reported during the study was lower in the vitamin C group (7) compared to the placebo group (11), as was the reported duration of colds (reduced 59% versus placebo).
Although this study was limited by a relatively small sample size, the results suggest that there may be measurable health advantages associated with vitamin C supplementation in men with adequate-to-low vitamin C status. Since this study was conducted during winter months and included only men with similar vitamin C status, more research is needed to determine whether these results can be extended to other populations and seasons.
Carol S. Johnston, Gillean M. Barkyoumb, and Sara S. Schumacher. Vitamin C Supplementation Slightly Improves Physical Activity Levels and Reduces Cold Incidence in Men with Marginal Vitamin C Status: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients 2014, 6, 2572-2583; doi:10.3390/nu6072572.
The ongoing studies continue to show that taking high quality nutritional supplements along with a healthy diet will give all of us the best chance to have a strong immune system. If you are not taking a supplement why not? If you are taking a supplement then congratulations! The next step is to ensure you are getting a high quality supplement that is made to pharmaceutical standards.
Yours in health,
John- One Hip Guy
by | Aug 4, 2014 | Uncategorized
It has been awhile since I last wrote and a lot has happened since then.
In my journey with a hip replacement the one thing that has become crystal clear is my mortality. I believe all of us at sometime or another think about it regardless of who we are and what we have going on.
This past month our family lost a treasure in my nephew Chris. He was a vibrant full of life young man. He lived life like it should be…by being generous of himself, of his time, of his friendship, of his love to others. He made a room brighter by just being there. He would lift someone up when they needed it and he would bring someone back down to earth when they got to full of themselves. He had a huge impact on the people he crossed paths with and that includes me.
Whatever your belief I am absolutely convinced that life is not a random set of musical notes that go around and around, rather these notes are there purposeful with intention and that there are no coincindences. This was the case with my nephew Chris. We bumped into each other last summer and had not interacted much with each other for quite sometime. This past year because of that chance connection he and I got to know each other again…maybe perhaps for the first time. I got to know the man and he got to know the old man! It was certainly a gift that was given to both of us.
We have no control over the time we have on this planet. We do have control on how we approach our day, how we interact with the ones we love and even strangers. To live your life telling those that most impact you in your life how you feel about them is a gift we should always open and share.
I am grateful for my family…my wife Susanne and my sons Nicholas, Zachary and Evan. I am grateful for my siblings and the true friends in my life.
Take a moment today to tell the ones you love that you do love them…be grateful for the person that cuts you of on the road today…there is some kind of sense in all of those crazy notes of life. We may not understand them yet it shapes us and prepares us for what is yet to come.
Make this week an extraordinary week!
John One Hip Guy
by | Jun 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
We do this over 7 million times a year or approximately 20, 000 times a day. We don’t even notice for the most part, yet for most of us we do it incorrectly and it has a huge impact on our health.
Breathing…we take our first breath at birth. It is one of those absolutes in our life. Without the ability to breathe we cease to exist. Yet there are many people today who do not know how to breath. Just learning to breathe properly will improve your health and longevity.
Consider this:
- Science has proven that cancer is anaerobic – it does not survive in high levels of oxygen.
- Shortness of breath and heart disease are directly linked – the heart goes into spasm when it is deprived of oxygen.
- Studies have shown that there is a high correlation between high blood pressure and poor breathing.
- Most emotional issues, including breathing related anxiety and depression, result from the nervous system being out of balance. Breathing drives the nervous system.
- Optimal Breathing helps to promote weight loss. Oxygen burns fat and calories.
- Breathing well is the key to sleeping well and waking up feeling rested.
- Breathing provides 99% of your energy. Without energy, nothing works.
- Breath is life. Virtually every health condition and human activity is improved with Optimal Breathing.
Most adults do not use the bottom third of their lungs in the normal course of day to day life. There is nothing but stale air sitting at the bottom of those lungs. Stop what you are doing and do this easy exercise. Take in a long, slow breath that moves your diaphragm (your tummy is moving in and then out). Breathe in….deeply…see that your tummy has expanded to take in all that air…hold it for a count of 5 and then release it…all of it and see that your tummy has contracted. Do this exercise 3 times. That’s it! What you just have done is brought in new fresh oxygen into your entire lung cavity and removed the stale air stuck in the bottom of your lungs. You have also slowed yourself down and downregulated the production of fat storage stress hormones. Do this once a day, everyday for life and it will improve your health by helping you to de-stress and clear out the stale old air in your body.
One of the biggest and well known health issues related to breath in North America is Asthma. Statistically it is reported that almost 10% of the population in North America is impacted by this disease.
Wikipedia states that asthma is an inflammatory disease. There are many triggers that cause these instances of inflammation from pet dander to bonfire smoke and so on. The inflammation impedes the air passage and can have serious repercussions on the impacted individual.
While the evidence suggest there is no cure for Asthma and those affected must always take their medication, there are ways of lessening the occurrences and the severity.
Nutrition. What you put in your body has a direct impact on the inflammatory responses that are happening.
It is suggested that Mediterranean diet is one of most optimal diets for those who suffer from asthma. Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids with extra virgin olive oil along with organic fruits and vegetables is a great way to start the process of reducing the inflammation within your air passages.
Taking a high quality nutritional supplement may be a prudent option as it is difficult to get the high level of antioxidants needed to quench the free radicals that are causing the inflammation in the first place.
Grape seed extract is a natural anti inflammatory that attacks the free radicals and minimizes inflammation throughout the body.
Regardless of any health condition the ability to breathe…deeply…will have a profound impact on your health. After my hip replacement surgery I found that these exercises helped me with handling the pain and I believe improved my recovery time.
The take home message today is to eat a diet high in antioxidants and essential fats to help reduce inflammation within the body. This may help to lesson the symptoms associated with asthma and any other inflammatory diseases. Take a high quality supplement to help increase the likelihood of getting the amount of antioxidants needed…………..and……..breathe!!!!
John OneHipGuy
by | Jun 18, 2014 | Uncategorized
Weight Loss.
Those 2 words alone can send shivers down someones back. It is a topic of discussion for just about everyone. In fact it will be the topic of conversation during a coffee break, a lunchtime meetup, or over dinner with friends. Turn the TV on and we will see prime time shows dedicated to Extreme Weight Loss, or being the Biggest Loser. Weight loss is on everyone’s mind yet there is clear evidence that most people don`t have a clue how to lose it!
First I would like to point out if you are only interested in weight loss then that is the problem! Weight loss is the result of creating good lifestyle habits! Having good lifestyle habits will enable you to lose weight and keep it off.
There are 4 key points one needs to consider when developing new lifestyle habits.
1. Why am I doing this?
One must take into account the real reason for starting a weight loss program or rather a new lifestyle habit. When someone knows WHY they do what they do then it is much easier to stay committed.
2. Can I commit to these new habits lifelong?
This seems like an obvious question yet as I watched a weight loss program on TV this week I couldn’t help but wonder just how long these people could maintain their new lifestyle. I know that when I make a decision to change just one thing in my life it takes tremendous commitment. Anyone who takes on multiple habit changes is asking for a lot. For example I saw one person attempt to commit to completely CHANGING their diet , adding MASSIVE exercise, quit smoking, working less hours, getting more sleep and on and on. This is a recipe for failure!
3. Keeping it simple
Change is tough. To break free from old lifestyle habits is difficult yet to have the results for lifelong health, it is so worth it. Keep it simple by eliminating sugar from your diet first. Why sugar? Read this attached article Change your choice of drink from whatever it was to water. Find a trainer for the gym so that you have a coach and someone that makes you accountable. This simple steps are just the beginning yet will have a profound effect on you.
4. What are the roadblocks?
What are the roadblocks to success? Identify them and deal with them. Is it a family member? Talk with them and let them know just how committed you are to your new lifestyle habits and ask them to support you. Eliminate food in your household you know that is bad for you. If the temptation is there then you WILL succumb to it. I know this from first hand experience. Do you have an physical limitations that might prevent you from working out effectively? After my hip replacement there was a period 0f time where I was limited in my mobility and strength. I have met many people who have not recovered from their hip replacement and have been unable to work out. This certainly can be a hurdle in developing new healthy lifestyle habits yet developing them will be a first step in improving the recovery process.
It is always great to see people who have lost lots of weight. It is the result of a process that that person has undertaken. To me what is more important is seeing those people living a healthier life, an on purpose life that involves making healthy lifestyle choices. Having those good habits will be the catalyst for anyone to keep the weight off lifelong!
John OneHipGuy