The road trip

The road trip

There is nothing like driving for 33 hours over 3 days to get someone thinking.  I remember a time before my hip replacement that the thought of a trip like that would have been tough to consider let alone do!

My how times have changed!

All of us have experienced the “road trip”.

In my early adult years my road trips consisted of other young adults…(mostly other guys) who could hardly wait to hit the road.  Maybe it was a trip to beach or a curling bonspiel, a golf tournament, or maybe it was a long haul trip to the coast.  Whatever the event was there was always surprises along the way.  There was always the party animal and the party pooper.   There was the “driver” and there was the “navigator”.  If there were a few along for the road trip there was always the guy who got stuck in the back seat.

So what am I getting at?  Well those road trips are a lot like our life.

Everyday we wake up and are faced with a new road, new surprises.  It often seems it should be routine…afterall we are only going to the beach with a bunch of buddies (metaphorically speaking) …or should it?  The  beauty of this life is that there are no guarantees yet if we approach each day with the never ending pursuit of WHY we do what we do the outcomes, the accomplishments, will harmoniously flow in line of our world view of success.

There will be times where you will be the driver, the one in charge who takes up the role of leading.  How will you take on this role?  Will you lead as a mentor or a tormentor?  There will be other times in life where being the navigator is the most crucial asset you can bring to the table.  How will you communicate your ideas?  Will you engage thoughtful conversation or will you over power those around you and dominate the conversation?  There will also be times where you might have to take a back seat.  Perhaps it is in an area where you have less ability, knowledge.  Will you be able to observe, replicate so that you can someday navigate and then drive?  The metaphor is simple.  We all play different roles at different times in our lives.  Recognizing the situations and how you react to them is a question of how connected you are to your WHY.  When we stay connected to our WHY, our purpose, no matter what role or situation we are in we will always excel!

The moral of this story?

Lose your WHY lose you way.


John-One Hip-Guy



Getting to know you

Getting to know you

Since my hip replacement 18 months ago one of the new adventures that I get to look forward to is going through airports.  When I started to travel the novelty was new so I didn’t know what to expect.  Now that the novelty has worn off I have discovered I have all sorts of new “close” friends.  In fact I am exchanging addresses so we can all be on each others Christmas card lists.

The TSA personnel are obligated to pat someone down who sets off the metal detector.  Hmmm  I wonder if I will do that with my titanium hip?  The first few times this happened I was pulled over the side and the gentle but firm patting began.  It goes something like this…”Nice to meet you!  Do you have anything in your pants? Do you have any other bags…er…ooops I mean do you have a package…ooops…er…let me take your belt buckle off and I have to gently touch your thigh…”  At this point we are both starting to sweat!  LOL!  After a brief exchange of phone numbers I am good to go!!!  LOL!

Of course I exaggerate somewhat, however once I realized that I would be going through this every time I decided to ask for the imaging technology machine or what I refer to as the full body scanner instead of going through the metal detector.  It is important to know your rights when going through security.  Sometimes the TSA agents are not properly trained in this area and will ask you to still go through the metal detector.  You only need to be scanned once so it is up to you which way is better for you.

I have attached a link…

…for anyone wanting to know more information when travelling.  In countries other than the US you may not be able to get an ID card as is suggested on the web site I have referred.

Remember…Make sure you have clean underwear just like our mothers warned us because you never know the next time you might get “close”!


Have a great week!


John-one hip guy


Slay the mighty foe…Restistance

Slay the mighty foe…Restistance

I recently had a battle of wits with a foe that we all have encountered at some point.  In fact you may have encountered this foe today, yesterday!

Who is it you may ask?


Resistance is all around us and can take us away from our true purpose.  It can come in any disguise.  Resistance loves the status quo, mediocrity, just getting by, procrastination.  These are all the allies of resistance.  Take a look at our lives, it could be a dead end job, over taxing career, family, spouse, a well meaning friend who wants us to stay right where we are, go back to sleep, back to the status quo.

In the last few days I found myself getting side tracked not being focused on what I needed to get done.  It seemed that the distractions were over powering me and I was getting less and less accomplished.  I told myself it was okay to miss the gym because I deserved a break yet deep down I knew that miss a day and it becomes another and then another.  I found that I put off working on a project that I was inspired to do yet now I was holding back and said I will do it tomorrow.  Again I knew instinctively that tomorrow can become someday and it reminded me of the story of someday Isle that I first heard from Denis Waitely, author of the #1 selling audio book called Psychology of Winning.

There is an Island fantasy called “Someday Isle” I’ll never see;
Recession stops, inflation ceases,
My mortgage is paid and my pay increases;

Someday I’ll where problems end
Every piece of mail is from a friend;

The children are sweet and alreadly grown
Where all the other countries can go it alone;

We all retire at forty-one
playing backgammon in the island sun

HAPPINESS cannot be sought
It can’t be owned, it can’t be bought;

Where you are right here, right now,
pushing the pencil or pushin’ the plow.

Life’s most important revelation
is that happiness is the journey
as least as much as the destination.

It’s knockin’ on doors and makin’ your calls
it’s getting back up after your falls

It’s going to school and standing in line
It’s tasting defeat. And tasting the wine

I’ve been trudging through life
going mile after mile,
but I’ll never set foot on Someday Isle

I’ve paid all my dues and put in my time
and out of nowhere… another Mount Everest to climb;

I’ve decided today to make it my vow
to take someday Isle and make it … NOW!


Resistance has helped many people never to reach their true potential.  The Gold  medalist Olympian that never was…

Never let resistance win!  Push it to the curb.  Whatever your obstacle push through and become more!

I am grateful I caught resistance before it really took hold of me because today I am being the best I can be!


John-One Hip Guy

Hip replacement Exercise

Hip replacement lifestyle

Hip replacement lifestyle

I have recently spoken to many people who had hip replacement surgery.  In the discussions we had the overwhelming theme in the post op phase is exercise, weight loss and diet.

Lets start with hip replacement exercise.  Mostly everyone that had total hip replacement are concerned about how much is too much once they have been given the go ahead by their doctor.  You could ask doctors in different parts of the world and their recommendations would be tremendously different.  I think it starts with where your health is to begin with when you get going.  Were you close to your target weight when you had surgery?  Did you exercise regularly before hand?  What I have discovered is that with consistent exercise, starting slowly, that you should be able to do just about anything you could do before the surgery.  Your lifestyle after hip replacement will be so much better!  I am 18 months post op and workout 4-5 times a week.  This includes weight training, using moderate weights for legs, using the elliptical and exercise bike and not running, and a lot of stretching and core work.  In the weeks and months to follow I will provide video instruction on what I do in these areas.

The next area of concern is weight loss after hip replacement.  If you were overweight before the surgery or gained weight after while recovering then it is important to shed those pounds and take as much stress off your new joint as possible.  Less weight equals less stress equals less problems long term.  First you must come to terms that what you put in your mouth has everything to to do with your weight.  Find an app that will allow you to track what you eat everyday.  I use it has a lot of the different foods from restaurants already loaded so you will be able to get the caloric intake added rather easily.  This is the first step in weight loss, acknowledging what we are eating.  Next set some goals and targets over the next 30-90 days.  Having a goal is very important.  Perhaps there is an event that you can use as your target 90 days from now…that perfect.   I would recommend that your day is started with a protein shake instead of that cereal and coffee we are so used to having.  If you are serious about that weight loss you will start to make better choices.  Having a great shake to start the day will cut down on the cravings throughout the day.  Eat your meals with low glycemic food choices, healthy proteins and essential fats.  Fried fatty food such as french fries is not essential fat!  I have to admit that great tasting french fries are hard to resist and once in awhile is not the end of the world.  Eating well does not mean eating foods that aren’t fun.  In fact its the opposite!

One thing of note…while losing weight is the goal so that there is less stress on your new hip, dieting is not the answer.  We are talking lifestyle after hip replacement.  When you go on a diet you feel noble yet deprived and when you get off your diet you feel relieved but guilty because historically we all go back to eating the bad foods.  There is no win, no success.  It is all about lifestyle habits that are be created for the long term.


John …one hip guy

Your ideal weight can’t wait

Your ideal weight can’t wait

Statistically Americans are overweight…we all know this…

  • Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are obese: 35.9% (2009-2010)
  • Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are overweight, including obesity: 69.2% (2009-2010)

Source: Health, United States, 2012, table 63 Adobe PDF file [PDF – 9.8 MB]

  • Percent of adolescents age 12-19 years who are obese: 18.4% (2009-2010)
  • Percent of children age 6-11 years who are obese: 18.0% (2009-2010)
  • Percent of children age 2-5 years who are obese: 12.1% (2009-2010)

Source: Prevalence of Obesity in the United States, 2009–2010

These are startling statistics yet despite the ever increasing awareness that there is an epidemic the numbers continue to climb.  In Canada where I am from the numbers are strikingly similar.  Why doesn’t the curve start going the other way?

Personally I believe the focus is far too much on WHAT the problem is  and HOW something should be done when in fact this problem needs to be addressed at the core…WHY.

The statistics should show the correlation between a healthy person and the life that they attract.  It is no coincidence that healthy vibrant people also attract more healthy vibrant lives.  Healthy you…healthy life.

WHY would you want to be healthy?  Seems like a silly question yet if I asked that question to a friend of mine as he was snarfing down a plate of nachos followed by a plate of wings they might find it a tough one to answer at that particular moment.

Everyone of us has a really good reason WHY we would want to be healthy.

The reality is that what we put in mouth has high degree to do with our weight.  Often we eat because of the way we feel, so comfort food gets first choice after a long hard day instead of the healthy alternative.  I have played into this role as much as anyone else in the past and still do from time to time.  It is not easy to stay the course with our healthy food choices all the time.  Its not what we do once in awhile that determines our health its what we do daily.  So taking a detour once in awhile is good for the soul as long as the daily food habits are good ones.

I encourage you to examine what your ideal weight would be and set a target to move in that direction.  It starts with what you put in your mouth.  The rest comes organically such as exercise, what you drink, rest, and so on.  One change will start the chain reaction to other changes and create a compound effect that will create a healthy you and make those statistics obsolete to you and your family.

Have a great week!

John—one hip guy


Welcome to One Hip Guy

On August, 28,  2012 I had hip replacement on my right hip.  I could go into great lengths all of the emotions leading up to this day and anyone who is reading this and has gone through the process would relate, however my blog will have less to do about the past…and more about the present.  Whats done is done!

Over the few next months I will publish exercise videos that will be simple yet effective for those in recovery or those who have not established a exercise protocol.

I will have guest bloggers that will have topics ranging from prenatal to geriatrics.  You will see that I am an average guy sharing ideas that hopefully will improve your life.

Health is my number one priority!  I am  totally conscious of my health and the choices I make more today than ever!  I guess anyone who has experienced a health event would be hyper sensitive or at least would want to be.

You will hear from me every week.


Stay Hip!
