I recently had a battle of wits with a foe that we all have encountered at some point.  In fact you may have encountered this foe today, yesterday!

Who is it you may ask?


Resistance is all around us and can take us away from our true purpose.  It can come in any disguise.  Resistance loves the status quo, mediocrity, just getting by, procrastination.  These are all the allies of resistance.  Take a look at our lives, it could be a dead end job, over taxing career, family, spouse, a well meaning friend who wants us to stay right where we are, go back to sleep, back to the status quo.

In the last few days I found myself getting side tracked not being focused on what I needed to get done.  It seemed that the distractions were over powering me and I was getting less and less accomplished.  I told myself it was okay to miss the gym because I deserved a break yet deep down I knew that miss a day and it becomes another and then another.  I found that I put off working on a project that I was inspired to do yet now I was holding back and said I will do it tomorrow.  Again I knew instinctively that tomorrow can become someday and it reminded me of the story of someday Isle that I first heard from Denis Waitely, author of the #1 selling audio book called Psychology of Winning.

There is an Island fantasy called “Someday Isle” I’ll never see;
Recession stops, inflation ceases,
My mortgage is paid and my pay increases;

Someday I’ll where problems end
Every piece of mail is from a friend;

The children are sweet and alreadly grown
Where all the other countries can go it alone;

We all retire at forty-one
playing backgammon in the island sun

HAPPINESS cannot be sought
It can’t be owned, it can’t be bought;

Where you are right here, right now,
pushing the pencil or pushin’ the plow.

Life’s most important revelation
is that happiness is the journey
as least as much as the destination.

It’s knockin’ on doors and makin’ your calls
it’s getting back up after your falls

It’s going to school and standing in line
It’s tasting defeat. And tasting the wine

I’ve been trudging through life
going mile after mile,
but I’ll never set foot on Someday Isle

I’ve paid all my dues and put in my time
and out of nowhere… another Mount Everest to climb;

I’ve decided today to make it my vow
to take someday Isle and make it … NOW!


Resistance has helped many people never to reach their true potential.  The Gold  medalist Olympian that never was…

Never let resistance win!  Push it to the curb.  Whatever your obstacle push through and become more!

I am grateful I caught resistance before it really took hold of me because today I am being the best I can be!


John-One Hip Guy

Hip replacement Exercise